I often hear triathletes saying that the sport is at least 50% mental and 50% physical, but I’ve come to notice that they spend very little (if any) time doing mental training. Fortunately, it’s easy and fast to train-up your mind to help you achieve your triathlon goals. I’ve been lucky enough to bring these mental conditioning techniques to first-time athletes and Olympians, kids and seniors, triathletes who want to finish the race and those who are gunning to win.
Typically, athletes have something holding them back, and for more satisfaction in the sport, they should want to get rid of it. That thing may be a negative, unhelpful voice in their heads telling them to quit, or that they are no good, or they have a memory from a bad incident on the bike or in the water. Some athletes have a goal in mind that they just can’t seem to reach, a goal that stays just beyond their grasp. When I meet with an athlete, we identify those limiting factors and move forward with great techniques to transform negative thoughts into ones that can induce a calm confidence and propel the athlete forward. My goal is to help athletes find their little extra something, and access it at the right time!
I came to triathlon late in life (nearly age 50) and quickly developed an appreciation for athletes across the spectrum of experience. All athletes need motivation to do their workouts and race well, discipline to omit the things that hold them back, imagination to set their aims in a compelling way, and recovery from training, injury and setbacks to maximize their fitness gains. I bring a large tool kit with specific techniques that are fast, effective, easy and durable to help athletes make useful changes in their lives – right away. Because these techniques are designed to be testable immediately, working together, we can ensure you get the gains you want in three sessions or fewer.
If there is something that has been bothering you for a long time, like a pebble in your shoe on a long run, why not stop for just a moment and fix it once and for all? Run easy from here on out!