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Perfect Practice: Train to Race

Vince Lombardi once said, "Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect." When applied to triathlon training, this sentiment underscores the importance of preparing yourself to race at your best. Are your workouts tailored to train both your mind and body for race conditions? Below are race simulation workouts categorized by discipline to help you get race-ready.
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D3 Multisport Plyometric Program

Plyo Routine #1Run 10 minutes to warm up and end at a field where you can do your drills.One leg hops 20-30 times (for distance)Two leg hops 20-30 times (for distance)
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Use the Off Season to Improve

In the sport of triathlon the off season refers to the period of year with no races on the schedule. It certainly is not a time for eating, watching TV and becoming a couch potato. For many athletes this represents a time for reduced training and pursuing other interests, but for others its time to get that advantage on their competition for the upcoming season. This time of year is the most effective time of year for improving triathlon performance. During the racing season a busy schedule of working and training for three sports leaves little time for focusing on your weakest sport. Whenever an athlete focuses on one sport the other two sports will suffer. That’s no problem in the off season since there are no races and as the racing season approaches training for all three sports can resume. Every triathlete has at least one weak sport.
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Being Race Ready!

You are so excited you try everything to calm yourself down and focus on your race. You have done the training. You have eaten a wide range of nutrient dense foods, drank lots of water the last 36-48 hours and are well rested. What could go wrong?
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Athlete of the Month, September 2013 - Ryan Huges

Ryan qualified for and will be competing in Kona in a couple of weeks! Ryan's coach, Jim, is pleased to share that Ryan finished 2nd in his age group at IM Louisville and two weeks later competed at the 70.3 World Championships in Vegas. He is currently working on his PhD and is recently engaged to be married.
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Athlete of the Month, October 2012 - Julia Purrington

Can you tell us a little bit about your sports background? I started swimming at age 5 on the local YWCA swim team and swam competitively through high school and my first year of college. I started mountain biking in college I took an actual mountain biking PE class and then started road biking and running when I was 30.
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Athlete of the Month, October 2013 - Joe Vrablik

Joe joined D3 over nine years ago, and has been coached by Aj Johnson during that time. Joe has experienced numerous triathlon races (home and abroad), and has found himself signed up for three iron distance races in 2014. Having achieved significant PRs this past season at Rattlesnake and Wisconsin, Joe has committed to racing IM New Zealand, Boulder and Wisconsin all in 2014!
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Athlete of the Month, November 2013 - Gary Lucchesi

Our Athlete of the Month, Gary Lucchesi, completed his first Ironman last month at the race that has suddenly become one of the toughest races in the world Ironman Lake Tahoe!
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Athlete of the Month, June 2012 - Tammy Powell

Our Athlete of the Month, Tammy Powell has come back from an injury filled 2011 to get back to the top of her AG and she's been, oh-so-close to winning a race or two this summer. We sat down with Tammy to get the inside scoop on her training and how her season has gone. Enjoy our interview with our Mix1 D3 Athlete of the Month!
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Athlete of the Month, July 2013 - Greg Lindquist

Congrats on being named the D3 Athlete of the Month! Can you tell us a little bit about your sports background? Which sports did you do as a kid and as you got older?GL: If there even is such a thing as a typical triathlon background, I definitely don't have it. I grew up playing hockey and baseball and all of my focus was on those two sports through high school and college. To be fair, I was on a local swim team until I was about 12 but then didn't swim another lap until at least a decade later. I would also go on short runs here and there and ride my mountain bike, but never did either of them as part of training or any racing until about five years ago.
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Athlete of the Month, July 2012 - Dale Harrison

Can you tell us a little bit about your sports background?My background is running. I have been involved in running since a very young age. Started in primary school doing little athletics and cross country.Which sports did you do as a kid and as you got older?I went to a small primary school where you played all the sports because you had to make the numbers. I played soccer in winter and Cricket in summer. Stopped playing soccer when I finished primary school and only played cricket through high school. During high school I competed in both cross country and athletics at a national level. I stopped at the age of 20 and only resumed at 26.
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Running Case Study

Coach Mike using himself as the Case StudyMy background: 5k PR 16:54, 10k PR 35:35, in the last few years I've been ironman training and ignoring most type of speed work. In 2003 I raced exclusively at the shorter distances. I was hoping to see a sub 38:00 10k at the end of my Olympic Distance Races. My open 10k time in May was 38:50 at the Bolder Boulder or 6:16 pace. At the Boulder Peak Tri my run time was 40:10 or 6:28 pace. 3% loss "pretty good" it has been established that 7% loss in run pace is very good so my 3% loss is even better. I would say that my LT work was good and my strength was solid. The issue becomes why aren't I running faster in an open 10K? Strength issues? No, we already ruled that out with the solid run off the bike in comparison to my open 10k.
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Athlete of the Month, December 2012 - Elizabeth Laughery

Can you tell us a little bit about your sports background? I have always been involved in sports. I wasn't a "mellow" child at all. I began playing soccer, swimming and running at age 4. I dropped swimming a couple years later and focused on soccer and track. I got a full scholarship for soccer and attended Michigan State University.
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The Napster

As a coach and professional triathlete, I've been asked countless times throughout my career how to optimize training and what top performers do to excel. One of the most crucial yet often neglected aspects for maximizing gains is... taking naps! Despite the stigma, many pro athletes rely on napping for recovery, enabling them to tackle rigorous training schedules.
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I am Invincible, Part Deux

I almost followed in my nephew's footsteps this morning. Remember, he was the main reason for the first article, I am Invincible.I recently joined a typical group of Boulder triathletes and swimmers for a few laps (1000m) in the Boulder Reservoir. The last couple of times doing this, I have been wearing a sleeveless, DeSoto, two-piece wetsuit. This wetsuit choice is in anticipation of very warm waters for the Boulder IM (which, is a wetsuit legal race).
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Athlete of the Month, September 2012 - Megan Storms

Megan Storms has been named the D3 Athlete of the Month! Congratulations, Megan!Can you share a bit about your sports background?Before 2004, I wasn't into sports at all. I began running that year to lose weight, and after completing a 5K, I was hooked! Since then, I've participated in multiple marathons and transitioned to triathlon.
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Athlete of the Month, November 2012 - Sarah Peltier

Please meet our Mix1 Athlete of the Month, Sarah Peltier. Sarah is relatively new to multisport and just recently raced her first Iron Distance race. She's a fast learner as she qualified for 70.3 World's last year and this year was 2nd at the Poconos 70.3 – in a tight photo finish. She's got an intense job with a major financial services company and puts everything she can into her training, making all kind of adjustments as her work can some dictate her training time.
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Athlete of the Month, July 2013 - Susan Einberger

Susan Einberger is coached by Dave Sheanin, and ironically, back in her college days she was part of the University of CO Triathlon Team. Congratulations to her for being named the D3 Athlete of the Month!‍Hi Susan,D3: Can you tell us a little bit about your sports background? Which sports did you do as a kid and as you got older?[SE] I did a bit of gymnastics, soccer, basketball, but was mostly a swimmer. I swam summer league, year round, and high school. My dad is an avid cyclist and had me on the back of his tandem when I was a kid. I rode my bike to soccer practice, friend's houses, school, etc. So it was pretty natural for me to start cycling. I joined the triathlon team at CU Boulder and loved being part of that group for 4 years. After college, I really got into cycling and started racing bikes (road and CX) for several years before returning to triathlons.
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Athlete of the Month, February 2013 - Melanie Peddle

Our Athlete of the Month Melanie Peddle! Mel is a strong swimmer and former National Champ in the 1500m in college track. She works hard to balance training among multiple sports in order to manage injury and keep things interesting. Every athlete has limiters and for Melanie, it's the bike. While we're working on improving that aspect of her racing, last season she decided to focus on her considerable swim/run strengths and she set aquathlon as her primary goal.
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Athlete of the Month, August 2012 - Toyin Fayemi

Can you tell us a little bit about your sports background? My athletic career started relatively late. After being forced onto a swim team in 7th grade, I found my niche as a sprint free-styler. During my senior year of high school, I placed 3rd in NY state in the 50yd freestyle and 5th in the 100yd freestyle. I continued to swim for Yale University with a PR of 20.3 seconds in the 50yd freestyle and a 45.45 seconds in the 100yd freestyle.
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