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6 Aspects of Triathlon to Master for a Long Career

26 years in the sport is not that long compared to some, but at 72 years of age I am part of a rapidly shrinking number of old geezers. It made me think last year of how many of my rivals are still in the sport. I took a look at how many athletes around my age that had left the sport from ranking data given to me by USAT. The results were a bit surprising.
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IRONMAN BOULDER 2017 - Coach’s Perspective: 16 Tips for Race Day Success

Boulder is the perfect place for an Ironman, of course! It’s home to some of the fastest professional and age group triathletes in the world, and the 18x collegiate national champion CU Triathlon Team. Who wouldn’t want to race here? Nobody. Of course, you want to race here. Following is a course preview that includes specific tips I have gleaned from my experience on the course both racing and training.
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Don't Believe Everything You Read

Did you know that we have limited evidence for a lot of mainstream applications such as taping, cupping and even stretching? Sometimes evidence is conflicting. Sometimes evidence is lacking because the “thing” is still in its infancy and needs to be developed. A lot of times we have firm evidence that what is being advertised as a revolution is actually no better than a placebo. Having information readily available online is a blessing and a curse. I encounter a lot of misinformation on a daily basis as a physical therapist and as a triathlon coach. The objective of this article is to shine the light on common points of confusion when surfing the Internet without critical thinking goggles.
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Racing in Adverse Weather

The alarm goes off. It’s race morning. You’ve been training consistently for months your hydration and nutrition are dialed in, and you’re ready to go. Except for one slight hurdle, a cold front has moved in overnight, and it’s 42 degrees and pouring rain. Your sympathetic nervous system kicks in your heart rate and respiration increases, blood vessels began constricting, and your digestive system shuts down. None of which you want to experience before the start of your race. However, incorporating adverse weather conditions into your training and applying a toolkit of coping strategies, will enable you to see adversity as an advantage over your competition.
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Featured Team D3 Athlete, April 2018 - Jay Klein

We get the privilege of coaching some very amazing athletes. Athletes who dig deep in their training to reach their goals. Athletes who overcome adversity to cross the finish line strong. Athletes who juggle crazy schedules in order to make their triathlon dreams come true. This section is about the athlete(s) our coaches wish to celebrate each month for their small victories in training, during racing or maybe just in their lives. These are the athletes who embody our 3 Ds: Desire, Determination and Discipline.
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Pick Your Perfect Training Camp

Kids camp is fun, no rules, staying up late, flashlight tag, eating crappy food, getting dirty, making new friends and creating memories for life….. Triathlon camp is all about rules, going to bed as early as you can because you are so tired, flashlights are headlamps for 6am runs, eating clean food for fueling the next day, making new friends and creating memories for life…. In all seriousness going to camp is a great way to raise your overall fitness. Most age groupers have so many demands that trump training, such as work, family, daily commitments. While we don’t want to give up our other life, well maybe it would be nice to not work, most are happy with their families, animals etc. But those, call them distractions, prevent us from training like a professional. Going to camp allows the athlete to focus on training, recovery, learning, digging deep all the while having a great time.
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Nailing Your Daily Nutrition

Now is the time to think about your sports nutrition. As you start to build into your base phase, add miles, or gear up for your races, it’s important to take note of the fourth discipline in triathlon, nutrition. I will be touching base on some key factors that hopefully you already have dialed in, but if not, here’s your chance to get it in gear.
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Spring Cleaning for Triathletes

Spring is a time of renewal, cleaning, and for many athletes, the start of race season. As you enter the race prep phase of your training, it’s never too early to start organizing your gear and make sure everything is in good working order. Just like you would perform a spring cleaning for your home, you should do the same for the gear you will rely on for race day. Here are some suggestions for the swim, bike and run to ensure you’ll be race ready!
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3 Lessons I learned Watching the 2018 Winter Olympics

I really love watching the Olympics, I look past the politics and look at the essence of the sport and the sportsmanship. I look at what has allowed these amazing athletes to become so successful and what we can take from it.Here are my three big take aways from the Olympics.
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Musings from a Data Geek: Two Things to Ignore, Two Things to Watch

I am a big time data geek. Not in a casual, "I like numbers" kind of way, it's more of an, "I love physics" kind of way. So I definitely get into the data when I review my athletes’ training logs. As a coach, I enjoy talking with them about the data and helping them learn how to interpret it, what to watch, and what to ignore. Through my own conversations and too much time spent in Facebook groups, I’ve noticed that often athletes are paying attention to the wrong metrics. Here’s my advice on what matters and what doesn’t:
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Goal Setting for Goal Achieving

When most of us sit down to evaluate and plan what we want out of our season, we think in terms of outcome goals. We want to win our age group, or place on the podium, or qualify for a world championship. Outcome goals are exactly that: an outcome of your effort. The problem with setting only outcome goals is that you have very little control over achieving them. You might work your tush off, have the best race of your life, and still not achieve your outcome goals because someone else showed up that day and beat you. So now do you look at your season as a failure because even though you’ve improved your performance, you didn’t achieve your outcome goals? You shouldn’t, and that’s why we set performance goals.
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Athlete of the Month, Jan. 2018 - Onyanga Dean

This month's D3 Athlete is Onyanga Dean, a Californian who has overcome the odds to succeed in the sport he loves. From a misdiagnosed heart condition to a cramping issue that just won't quit, Dean has the dedication and determination to meet and exceed his goals. After four years of using various training plans from D3, in 2017 he began working with Coach Alison Freeman with great success, setting new P.R.'s at the Ironman and marathon. Read more about his journey to finding how to get the most from his body and pushing his limits.
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Start Your Season By Setting the Right Goals

While I am a big fan of the holidays (I’m lucky enough to have my family close enough for long visits, but just far enough away to make it a real trip), I love this time of the year for our sport. It’s a chance to look forward at the coming season, or seasons, and revel in the amount of possibility there is. Even if you’ve had a less than great year due to injury, illness, lack of time, etc. getting to play that wonderful game of ”what do I want to do” is just plain good fun. But after you finish the dreaming part, the work of planning needs to be pushed into high gear and bringing a high midseason focus into the offseason for just a short while will be necessary.
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The Benefits of Rotating Your Shoes

I want to start this article off with a question: what should triathletes have in common with Imelda Marcos? I’m sure the first thing that comes to mind is that we should all get married to corrupt dictators, but, shockingly, that’s not where I’m headed with this article. For those of us who can remember the 1970s and 80s, we can recall Ms. Marcos’ shoe collection. She was famous (or perhaps infamous) for owning thousands of pairs of shoes.
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The following is my own personal core strength workout. It’s painful but it gets results. If you want to be ripped and generate more power in the pool and on the roads this workout is for you.Most of these exercises are done with the Fit Ball [FB] a.k.a. Swiss ball, big ball, or Physio-ball.
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The following is my own personal core strength workout. It’s painful but it gets results. If you want to be ripped and generate more power in the pool and on the roads this workout is for you.Most of these exercises are done with the Fit Ball [FB] a.k.a. Swiss ball, big ball, or Physio-ball.
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The following is my own personal core strength workout. It’s painful but it gets results. If you want to be ripped and generate more power in the pool and on the roads this workout is for you.Most of these exercises are done with the Fit Ball [FB] a.k.a. Swiss ball, big ball, or Physio-ball.
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The following is my own personal core strength workout. It’s painful but it gets results. If you want to be ripped and generate more power in the pool and on the roads this workout is for you.Most of these exercises are done with the Fit Ball [FB] a.k.a. Swiss ball, big ball, or Physio-ball.
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The following is my own personal core strength workout. It’s painful but it gets results. If you want to be ripped and generate more power in the pool and on the roads this workout is for you.Most of these exercises are done with the Fit Ball [FB] a.k.a. Swiss ball, big ball, or Physio-ball.
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The following is my own personal core strength workout. It’s painful but it gets results. If you want to be ripped and generate more power in the pool and on the roads this workout is for you.Most of these exercises are done with the Fit Ball [FB] a.k.a. Swiss ball, big ball, or Physio-ball.
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