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How to Write a Race Plan in 7 Steps

There is some magic between the hand and the eye, the heart and the mind, when you write something down. In triathlon, one of the most important things you can write down is your race plan. Whether it be your A Race or not, when you have a written plan you are more likely to identify your aims for the race, clearly state them, then have a concrete plan for pursuing them and execute better.
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Featured D3 Athlete, Dana Willett

Her coach, Jim Hallberg, expressed with pride and excitement, that Oceanside 70.3 2019 was Dana’s best race in many years and that there was an important sequence of events in Dana’s training that helped to make that happen. Her final result was 6:11 for 18th place in her age group (50-54). She ran a 1:59 on the run and the metrics of her race were nearly perfect!
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Release from Trauma

You don’t have to be a military veteran or first responder to be exposed to trauma. Many athletes have endured traumatic experiences in training, in racing and in life that impair their ability to train and race and enjoy multisport to their full potential.Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is more common than we think. As many as 8 million adults in the US have PTSD (Sidran Institute, 2018). The diagnostic symptoms of PTSD are recurrent nightmares, flashbacks and rapidly rising negative emotions triggered by memories of the traumatic event.
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The Power of Proper Pacing

Having a proper pacing strategy is essential to performing your best on race day.  If you go out too slowly, you will leave time on the table, and if you start too quickly, you will experience negative physiological effects during the race.  In longer races, a fast start will cause you to burn through your energy reserves much too quickly.  This phenomenon of over pacing early is quite easy to do.  Early in the race, your heart rate hasn’t reached its peak and blood flow to the legs hasn’t maxed out.  Combining these conditions with being tapered and rested for a race can result in you feeling really good at the start of the event.  It is because you feel so good that you MUST have incredible discipline to start out at your planned pace.  
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Using Training Benchmarks to Set Race Goals

Far too often, athletes set their race goals and define their race-day execution based off of fantasy. That fantasy might violate the time-space continuum, as in: I did [insert race] in [insert time] back in [insert today’s date minus 3 or 5 or 10 years], so I’m going to beat that time. Or the fantasy might exist in some parallel universe, as in: I’ve been doing my long rides at [some number of] watts so I’m going to bike at [number plus 10 or 20 or 40] watts on race day. Or the fantasy might ignore reality, as in: I ran a [insert road race distance] at [insert time] so I’m going to run [time minus 2 or 5 or 10 minutes] in my tri.
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6 Pieces of Gear to Check Before Racing

Spring is on the horizon which means race season is just around the corner! As you grind out the final weeks of winter it is time to do a little housekeeping to ensure your race gear and equipment are in good working order. Here are six practical things you can do prior to your first race:
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Smart Eats For Spring Training

As spring approaches, I hope many of you are able to get outside rather than being stuck on a trainer or treadmill. As this happens training loads often increase, and therefore, so does your nutrition intake. Some people make the mistake of thinking that calories are calories and if you burn a lot of them, then you can eat whatever you want. That is quite the opposite. As we put our bodies under more and more stress, we need to compensate that with more and more antioxidants. This doesn’t mean you can’t have that large cookie at the end of the ride, but make sure to continue nutrient timing your meals well, choose nutrient dense foods most of the time, and stay hydrated. We will talk more about each goal in detail.
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The Triathlon Minute, Episode 5, "Why you Should do Flip Turns"

D3 Multisport is proud to release the video series, “The Triathlon Minute”.
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10 Tips for Efficient Triathlon Training

We want to do it all, and we want to do it well. But finding time to fit everything into a day including a productive training regimen can generate some unnecessary stress but with these 10 tips, you will not only manage your available training time, but you will yield high gains and be able to better manage the other priorities in your life.
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Advice From Your Swim Coach that You Should Ignore

As a coach who works with a lot of triathletes remotely, I am generally pretty happy when my athletes join coached masters groups or otherwise engage with a local swim coach who can keep an eye on technique. While remote video analysis is a powerful tool, it’s generally beneficial to have a skilled coach on deck providing regular and immediate feedback throughout a workout.
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Triathlon Minute, Episode 100 - Training Variability

Get clear on how best to use Zone 1, 2, 3 & 4 for training variability from Coach Jim Hallberg in this week's Triathlon Minute training tip video.
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Mantras have become popular with triathletes, but as simple as they are, mantras can be a help or a hindrance. To get your mantras to be as effective as they can be, there are a few simple ideas that can really help you. A mantra is a simple, brief phrase that you repeat over and over to help you. Let's make sure it does.Some athletes make a distinction between a mantra (a sacred phrase repeated often) and an affirmation (a saying intended to produce a positive mental state).With the help of many D3 Multisport athletes who completed a survey about mantras and affirmations, I have come to three conclusions aimed at making positive self-talk more useful.
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From Thanksgiving through the New Year, many of us are in the “off-season” and with that comes a license to eat, drink and not train as much. While I am a BIG fan of the off-season, I do know many athletes who overdo it and are now facing the beginning of their season feeling very far from race fitness and their ideal race weight. Sound familiar? Here is the good news, you are not alone.
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For Premium account holders, Training Peaks provides an incredible amount of data on your workouts and training trends - an almost (or actually) overwhelming amount. Rest assured, I am paying attention to this so you don’t have to! But if you’re interested, some clarification on many of the acronyms and what they represent can be found below.
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New to TrainingPeaks? Wondering how to get your watch and other training apps to magically communicate with your schedule, because if you work out and don’t have data - did it really even happen??? Everything you need to know is right here.
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Zwift / Trainerroad Primer

Zwift / TrainerRoad PrimerDid you just get a smart trainer?* Are you excited to check out the wonderful world of indoor training apps, but not sure where to start? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered.*Don’t have a smart trainer? TrainerRoad is still an option! It will calculate virtual power using your speed sensor.
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Matt and started working with D3 Coach Dave Sheanin a little over a year ago and Dave shared that Matt has made huge gains as a triathlete during that time. He came in with a goal to go sub-5 at a 70.3 (he had been flirting with that 5 hour mark but never got himself under) and then do his first full-distance race this season. 
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Having come to the U.S. from Europe over 50 years ago, going “home” to race has a growing special attraction for me. I hope these short race descriptions that I find interesting will spark some hops across the pond.
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One way to get the same results, race in and race out, season in and season out, is to continue doing the same thing. While this may be great if you have the perfect race every time, more often than not, there is definite room for improvement. After each race, and then at the end of each season, every athlete should take stock of the things that they did well and the things that they can improve upon. 
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Advice on Constructing a Yearly Racing Calendar

When the snow shovel comes out of the shed and fines its winter home on the hook next to the front door, it can mean only one thing “it’s the off-season.” For many of us, it’s time to recharge and recuperate from a long racing season were rest and recovery are essential components of a yearly training plan. However, before you head to the couch, there are a couple of items that need to be taken care of.
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