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Advice for the Remainder of your Off-Season Training

When it comes to triathlon racing, 2020 has certainly been an unfortunate year. However, we need to look forward - toward 2021. And as you think about the remainder of your off-season I hope you will draw inspiration from these athlete stories. Each athlete has had a great deal of success during 2020 with their out-of-the-ordinary training, and I hope you will be encouraged to try some of these ideas with your own training. 
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Athlete Case Study: Francois de Repentigny

In the fall of 2018, I started working with Francois, who lives in Malaysia. He was looking for a coach who could coach him using Power (using a Stryd Power Meter) vs. Heart Rate. I remember asking him why he wanted to use Power vs. Heart Rate and he explained to me that living basically on the equator meant that the high vs. low temps for the year varied only about 2 degrees. On top of that, the humidity was close to 100% every day and his HR was always high and his pace was always slower than if he ran in a different climate (temps in the 50-70F range). The environmental factors he has to contend with in Malaysia all lined up to our developing training based on Power.
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Use Your Brain (to Sort Out Misinformation About Our Sport)

I suspect there is at least one thing that everyone in this country can agree on, there is a lot of misinformation and outright lying out there in social media and in the news. We won’t all agree on what was a lie or misinformation, but we will agree it is rampant. Unfortunately, that situation (misinformation) extends to our sport as well.
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Athlete Case Study: David Goforth

Motivation to take up the sport of triathlon and stick with it, is, let’s face it, challenging. Three sports, four counting the important strength training, a job, a family, friends, and a few other things are hard to work into a typical workday. You can’t slack off during the week and try to cram on the weekends (it does not work well with the sport or a family). Keeping all parties involved happy seven days a week is the challenge. While winning races is a great motivator, very few triathletes win races, and the vast majority have to find other motivators. And, winning by itself can’t sustain a long streak of many years of participation. If it could then I think we would see many more professional triathletes retiring to the ranks of age group athletes.
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Ring in the Holiday Cheer

As we enter the holiday season perhaps you are beginning to think about gift ideas for your favorite athlete or being asked what you would like as a gift this year. What’s not to like in giving or receiving gifts? In speaking with some of my athletes and family members, here are the top favorites I have compiled.
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Athlete Case Study, November 2020: Rupert Daniels

At the very end of 2019, Rupert Daniels decided he was going to hire a coach to help him train for IM Italy in September. However, as is the case with all athletes in 2020, his plans were soon thrown for a loop when Covid arrived. In spite of the fact that races were being canceled and training was becoming increasingly harder to schedule, Rupert decided to remain focused and consistently hit his workouts in the hope that a new IM would open up later in the year. It was this consistent training that allowed him to race Cozumel 70.3 as a tune up event with only 3 weeks notice. His race results: A PR under far tougher conditions then his previous best which was 4 years earlier. This result was without any race specific pace training.
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Aero, Part II: an Aerodynamic Shrug

In July, I shared an article highlighting a conversation I had with Jesse Frank, Human Performance Engineer at the Specialized Win Tunnel, and shared his Top 8 recommendations to achieve better aerodynamics. This follow-up article goes deep on a simple idea that Jesse and I discussed in further detail. This aero concept will definitely make you faster on the bike—with no new equipment. It’s called “The Shrug”.
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Boost Your Nutrition to Boost Your Training

As winter approaches ever so quickly, NOW is your time to make important nutritional changes that will give your training a boost through the winter. There is no reason to wait until the New Year. To get started, take an inventory of your goals for the winter, assess where you are (be realistic), and start building a plan to achieve those goals. Give consideration to these questions:
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Self-Inventory and your State of Readiness using TTM

As a coach, this past nine months of helping triathletes through a global pandemic has presented many new and unique challenges. At the forefront is the health and safety of my athletes, friends, family, neighbors, and the population as a whole. COVID has affected me; personally, my 83-year mother was in the hospital for four weeks with the virus, and my middle daughter is a nurse and was assigned to a COVID ward. So, I understand how COVID stress can affect a person’s motivation, and COVID is still a variable that many of us are trying to process. I think it’s essential for every athlete to take a personal inventory of where they stand on their participation in a healthy lifestyle and their training goals.
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Athlete Case Study: Boris Bourdin

To say this race season has been unique is an understatement! The COVID-19 pandemic has presented challenges to athletes and coaches across the globe. One of my athletes, Boris Bourdin, resides in Spain which was one of the hardest hit European countries with strict lockdowns. Going into the season his target goal race was IM Austria originally scheduled for July 4th. It would eventually be postponed to September and ultimately cancelled.
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Athlete Case Study: Mike Reed. “I’ve got it.”

“I’ve got it.” Those words were the first sentence of Mike Reed’s Facebook post on March 29, 2020. Of course, I already knew. It was early in this pandemic--before we knew what we know now. Certainly before we knew everything--triathlon and otherwise--would be canceled. 
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Finding Motivation

The header photo seems to say it all about our situation right now in regards to training and racing. Lay back and enjoy it, go with the flow. I also love these animals - otters.
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Learn To Train And Race By Feel

We triathletes sure love our gadgets. We have power meters to measure our bike and run efforts. We measure and record our strokes per lap, RPM and cadence. While these tools can be useful to help us understand our effort and recovery better, they can also become a crutch. Learning to train and race without technology (by feel) should be a KEY step in every triathlete’s career. 
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Heads Are Not Aero

If you’re taking your aero advice from random social media posts or perhaps worse, the forum of a certain triathlon-related website, pay attention to what follows! Jesse Frank, Human Performance Engineer at the Specialized Win Tunnel, dropped some knowledge on D3 based on the research and experiences in the tunnel. Some top take-aways:
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Time Heals—Even in Strange Times

During these strange times, some folks are struggling with loss of races, camps, group workouts and camaraderie. Here are a few things you can do to address the loss.
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Returning to the Water

Take a moment to be grateful for the opportunity to swim again! Likely there are new restrictions that will alter your swim as you knew it, but try to embrace what you can do versus lamenting what you cannot do. Share your enthusiasm for getting wet again! Before you jump back in the water, to regain your pre-break swim fitness, know that you need two weeks for every week you were out of the water. Sorry to be the one to deliver the hard facts! And on that mark, here are six things to be aware of as you return to a regular swim routine.
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The Secret Power of Chocolate Milk

I'm just going to come out and say it ... chocolate milk is one of the best recovery beverages for after a tough work out or sporting event! It has a great carbohydrate to protein ratio (3:1) for refueling muscles (scientifically proven). It contains 9 essential nutrients naturally occurring, including key electrolytes for rehydrating such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium. This beverage also contains high-quality protein that will help rebuild our muscles. The best part is it tastes great and is refreshing. Chocolate milk contains all of this and can help you get the most out of your recovery from your workouts.
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Featured Athlete, May 2020 - Hunter Saunders

When you bring your best attitude toward the process and the circumstances that are presented, you can achieve excellent gains within a short period of time. D3 Coach Jim Hallberg shared a nomination for athlete Hunter Saunders and reflecting on their initial five months working together acknowledges that they've seen tremendous growth during that time, and despite not being able to race, it's Hunter's attitude that is helping the progress.
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Featured Athlete, May 2020 - Joel Mackley

He was supposed to do his first IM (Texas) in April, and instead, he participated in the 5/4/24 challenge on that day. He wrote his coach, Laura Marcoux, a post-workout comment from that day about how he was imagining himself sprinting across the finish line on the last 5-mile segment at 1:00 am. Laura shared that she did a double-take about that comment because it was at an average pace of 6:23/mile!
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Featured Athlete, May 2020 - Daniela Campbell

Two years ago she finished IM Choo, and then five days after that glorious finish, Daniela was in a car crash. She had an incredible road to recovery with brain therapy for the concussion and two shoulder surgeries. Fast forward to 2020, and she's starting from scratch with a D3 Pre-Built Training Plan written by Head Coach Mike Ricci.
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