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Featured Athlete, May 2020 - Joel Mackley

He was supposed to do his first IM (Texas) in April, and instead, he participated in the 5/4/24 challenge on that day. He wrote his coach, Laura Marcoux, a post-workout comment from that day about how he was imagining himself sprinting across the finish line on the last 5-mile segment at 1:00 am. Laura shared that she did a double-take about that comment because it was at an average pace of 6:23/mile!
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Featured Athlete, May 2020 - Hunter Saunders

When you bring your best attitude toward the process and the circumstances that are presented, you can achieve excellent gains within a short period of time. D3 Coach Jim Hallberg shared a nomination for athlete Hunter Saunders and reflecting on their initial five months working together acknowledges that they've seen tremendous growth during that time, and despite not being able to race, it's Hunter's attitude that is helping the progress.
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Coach Opinion: Four COVID Training Questions

Well, by now we’ve all (mostly) adjusted to the sudden shock of closings, cancellations, and stay-at-home orders. We’ve found new ways to move through life in the short-term and are now starting to think about maybe not the long-term, but the medium-term implications of coronavirus on our lives, and in particular on training and racing. Trying to look ahead three to six months raises a bunch of questions and while I don’t have definitive answers, I always have opinions:
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D3 Featured Athlete, April 2020 - Jeff Krebs

Jeff has his sites set on racing the Boston Marathon and it's his journey navigating the changes around the race, plus his unselfishness to un-retire as a physician to help on the frontline of the Covid-19 Pandemic that grabbed his coach's (Julie Dunkle) attention for this spotlight.
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This is a Good Time to Experiment!

If there ever was a time to do some experimenting with your training or other aspects of the multisport life this is it. The idea is not new and you almost certainly see suggestions like this at the end of the season, like these recommendations from my D3 colleague Alison Freeman.
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Bike Skills: Safety

In the world of triathlon racing and training, bike handling is a must-have for improved performance. No, this might not raise your threshold, but with proper bike handling skills, you will be safer, develop more confidence and you can become faster (even when you aren't putting the power down!). 
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Swim Band Demo

This quick video will demo how to use swim bands as a dryland substitute for swimming. Mike demonstrates, the catch phase with a half-pull, a full pull, and the tricep extension. He also shows how to use the bands for a single-arm catch as well.
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Healthy Immunity through Food

Everywhere we turn we are reminded of “the virus”. Depending on where you live that could mean the “flu” or the Covid-19 virus, or something else altogether. I know there are people heavily affected and those that are frustrated with the situation altogether. That said, I’m sure everyone can benefit from doing what they can to better their immune health.
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60 Seconds to Calm Your Nerves on Race Day

You have an icky feeling in the pit of your stomach the night before or morning of your race. You know the feeling—butterflies or churning or queasy or something. Your brain notices that feeling and makes a judgment about it—nervous, anxious, freaked out, whatever.
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Winter Workout Ideas

I have personally been using my treadmill more and more lately. Partly due to cold temps and early mornings, and partly due to convenience. Treadmill running can provide a few benefits including a little more cushion for all the miles you may be running, helping you with pacing, as well as convenience. For example, starting a run when the kids are still asleep, being able to avoid the pitfalls of winter training including early morning or evening darkness, traffic and the cold.
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Oceanside 70.3 - 2020 Course Preview

If you are racing this course - you want this information! Coach Julie Dunkle shares a number of important strategies and tips to help you race this course successfully!
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How to Get Faster by Developing your Internal Pacing

Why should you develop your internal pacing when you have everything you need right in front of you on digital display? In a race, you probably know what your paces, heart rate, and power should all be ahead of time. So in an ideal world, everything goes to plan and you just follow your tracking devices all the way to the finish line. The problem stems from the fact that races rarely or never exist in an ideal world. We have to be prepared to make adjustments, and we have to be prepared to pace ourselves based on those adjustments.
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What’s Up Doc?

With the onset of the New Year, many of us are considering equipment upgrades, finalizing race schedules and hitting our training sessions with great enthusiasm. As a coach, I am prescribing the all-familiar field testing to my athletes. The information acquired through field testing provides us with valuable baseline data to establish proper pacing, power and heart rate zones across all disciplines. We use this data as a compass to guide the training process. While field evaluations and equipment upgrades are important considerations, I believe the most precious equipment is our body and mind. A wise person once said, “Health is our greatest gift.” It is prudent to be disciplined with training and complete the field tests being prescribed, however, what are you doing to safeguard your overall physical and mental health?
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A Coach Mike Favored Recipe

If you work full-time, have a family and train, finding time to make healthy dinners can be a challenge. This is one of my family's favorite go-to recipes that achieves quality nutrition, covers the tastebuds of athletes and kids, and it is easy to make. I especially like to make it because my daughter and I work side-by-side on this one!
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Running (and Walking) an IM Marathon (or just a Marathon)

I don’t always practice what I preach, but when it comes to how to run the marathon portion in an Ironman, I do. At least I do these days. And how I get it done is through planning for plenty of walking. I have not been shy about advocating this approach as you may have seen in earlier articles or heard from me in person. Unfortunately, many, like me, fought the idea that you could plan in walk breaks right from the start and still run fast.Jeff Galloway proved you could finish a fast marathon at 70 while walking for almost 6 miles. His qualifying time for Boston was 4:18, and if I remember correctly, Jeff ran around 4:10 (you need to go under the qualifying time these days to get in) using something like the following: 
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Running with Power: A Primer

Power meters on bicycles have long been the gold standard for measuring performance progression. In recent years, bike power meters have become more and more affordable, putting them within reach of most triathletes who are serious about measuring and tracking metrics. 
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Team D3 Technique Clinic

Train under the direction of D3's Head Coach, Mike Ricci, a USAT Level III Certified Coach, along with Coach Jim Hallberg, a USAT, and USA Cycling Certified Coach during this day-long technique-specific clinic. We will be assessing your swim, bike, run, and strength training techniques with the use of video assessment. This clinic is for all abilities. Don't be intimidated as we will break into groups by ability and you will work with support from the coaches.
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Five Things You Have A Coach’s Permission To Do During Your Off-Season

In-season - when you’ve got specific goals for a specific race, and your coach has mapped out a specific plan to get you there - it’s important to adhere to the training plan. I mean, #followtheplan and #trustyourcoach didn’t come from nowhere. But off-season, when you’ve got weeks or more likely months before you return to in-season training mode, the rules change.
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Core Stability and Balance are Vital Components of Athletic Success

The early season for many triathletes marks the beginning of a strength training program to improve athletic performance for the upcoming season. Two vital components of a well-designed strength program are core strength, or a more accurate term core stability and equilibrioception or simply balance. Each athlete has their unique potencies and limitations when it comes to core stability and balance, so a training plan should be designed around a series of progressive exercises to meet the athlete’s requirements. 
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Featured Athlete, Kalee Tyson

Kalee certainly embodies all aspects of being a D3 athlete! Most notably to her coach, Brad Seng, was her Desire to improve and be her best. She had an extremely hectic summer outside of her training/racing with both work commitments/travel and multiple weddings. Kalee's ability to stay focused and desire to get the work done when having to make adjustments due to "life" happenings allowed her to make continued gains throughout the season. I was extremely proud of her ability to have a strong mental psyche in Cabo which put her in a position to secure the worlds slot (and beat her husband for house bragging rights). He admittedly was having a rough day. She is passionate about the sport and healthy lifestyle it offers which she shares with her husband. 
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